Sustainability is an ever increasing importance to reduce our impact on the environment. Interior Engineering recognises this importance and integrates sustainable designs for all our projects. As part of our commitment to sustainability and improvement of energy efficiency, Interior Engineering offers the following services:
National Australian Building Energy Rating System (NABERS) Accredited Assessor
Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Accredited Assessor
NABERS Ratings
The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) takes measured consumption and allows buildings or tenancies to be rated for the efficiency in the rating tools comprising of energy, water, waste and indoor environment. The NABERS rating tools provide star ratings which are then used to benchmark the buildings or tenancies, allowing building owners or tenants to track and minimise environmental impact. Interior Engineering has NABERS accredited assessors to not only facilitate the ratings but also to provide advice on design projects, where there is potential NABERS impact. This allows the engineering approach with a unified solution for sustainability.
CBD Program
The Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) Program requires any tenancy or building to be leased, sub-leased or sold which has a net lettable area (NLA) or 1,000m2 or more to have a Building Energy Efficiency Certificate (BEEC). The BEEC discloses the NABERS rating, the lighting efficiency in the form of tenancy lighting assessments (TLA) and general energy efficiency guidance to aid potential buyers or lessee make an informed choice. Interior Engineering has CBD accredited assessors to facilitate the TLA required and combined with the NABERS rating, forms the full requirement for the BEEC.
BCA Section J
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) Section J sets out the requirements for energy efficiency for which each discipline (mechanical, electrical, fire and hydraulic services) must comply with. This requirement for the relevant service is achieved as part of our service offering.
In addition to the services compliance, Interior Engineering also offers services for BCA building fabric (Part J1) for the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) compliance (except sole-occupancy units of a Class 2 building or a Class 4 part of a building). The building fabric and glazing thermal efficiency requirements have a direct impact especially on the mechanical services heating, ventilation & air-conditioning (HVAC) design. Interior Engineering recommends on this basis that the building fabric and glazing assessment be carried out in conjunction with the mechanical services in-house as we will be able to offer an integrated approach with the overall solution.